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Influence Devotional Image

Acts 16:1‭-‬5 ICB 

"Paul came to Derbe and Lystra. A follower named Timothy was there. Timothy’s mother was Jewish and a believer. His father was a Greek. The brothers in Lystra and Iconium respected Timothy and said good things about him. Paul wanted Timothy to travel with him. But all the Jews living in that area knew that Timothy’s father was Greek. So Paul circumcised Timothy to please the Jews. Paul and the men with him traveled from town to town. They gave the decisions made by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. So, the churches became stronger in the faith and grew larger every day."

We all have an impact on the people around us. One of the most dangerous and destructive lies the enemy wants us to believe is that what we do, what we say, and how we act and react doesn't matter.  Our opinions influence other's views. Our actions model behavior for those around us. Our attitudes are observed by the people we interact with. 


In this passage from Acts we see how Paul takes his (and his fellow's) influence seriously. Paul is careful to show by his attitude and actions that he is respectful to the Jewish law, as he is preaching freedom from the law, all while showing people there is a new way to live.


The power of influence and attraction is far greater than force or coercion. What are some other places in scripture that show this method being practiced and encouraged? 


If we are truly free in Christ, doesn't it make more sense to be attractive carriers of the Good News rather than critical and condemning? From what we see in this passage, what was the result of this type of attractive interaction?


Be mindful of this when we're interacting with the world around us; winsome, respectful, and influential.


Lord Jesus, teach us to be attractive carriers of the Gospel. Let us shine the light of your Spirit into this dark world. Father God, grow our faith and increase the numbers in your family; in Spirit and in Truth. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen.

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