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His Sovereignty: Our Submission

Power Lift Isaiah 41:8-10

Isaiah 41:8-10

“But as for you, Israel my servant, Jacob my chosen one, descended from Abraham my friend, I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, ‘You are my servant.’ For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

I hope we can experience together the full weight of God’s sovereignty in this passage. Often verse ten is taken out of context and assumed to be all about us. But I see the passage pointing to the larger narrative of the whole of scripture that Yahweh is absolutely sovereign. Our role is dependent, and the result is submission. We are His servant, His chosen, and called back from the ends of the earth - this is pointing to His power over our wandering, wayward nature. Then, He tells us not to be afraid - because we are afraid; not to be discouraged - because we are discouraged!  He assures us that He will strengthen us because we’re weak, and He holds us up because we are helpless without Him. The victory is His - not ours.  I believe we get to participate in the process and the display triumph for a variety of reasons; but namely, that God would be glorified in us as His sovereignty is displayed in and through our lives.

How does this land on you?  Is it uncomfortable to think He has total authority and power and influence over all things - including our autonomy and so-called "free will"? 

It’s certainly not an easy concept to understand.  There’s so much tension in the space between His sovereign will and my call to participate in the process… surrender doesn’t mean indifference, and responsibility doesn’t mean control. We don't give up - W let go.  All by His power and for His glory! 

Let’s look at some other verses in this chapter of Isaiah and see if the wider context of the setting of the passage helps with some discomfort: vv.14, 17, & 20

  • Does this lead you to a surrendered submission?

  • Does this empower you for action in service to others?

  • Does this take away our choice in the process? 

  • Does this make us puppets or robots?

  • Does this magnify God’s glory or diminish it? 

  • How can we better understand and live out our role in His “victorious right hand”? 


Father God, all things come from you, exist by your power, and are intended for your glory. Let our hearts and minds be so changed by your influence that we would be humbled under your authority and positioned for your purpose. Give us the power and the desire we need to act in your will and keep us in such a state of submission and surrender to your massive love that the world can see you magnified in our experience of the glory of your grace that is revealed in Christ. Fill us with your Spirit and glorify your name in all things. In Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

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