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About Us

Romans 11:36 "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." 

Even though it's us you see in the pictures, my voice you hear on the podcast, and Regina's work you see in the production of all these elements... it's not from us, or through us, or to us.  It seems strange to say it that way, but it really is all about God Almighty; Heavenly Father, Commander, Creator, and Keeper of His people - the I AM.  We are filled with the Spirit of Christ and show up to work by faith.  So, we are keenly aware that when God wants to feed the multitudes, our loaves and fishes are merely an action taken in obedience and faith.  Jesus says that he is the bread of life, and whoever comes to him will be satisfied.  Needing Jesus is the only requirement for salvation.  Do you need him?

All that to say, we are glad you're here. This endeavor is intended to point people to Jesus; lost or found, or turned around, we hope to be a beacon of light for the wayward and weary. After all, the two of us are a just a couple of people who need Jesus, are filled with his Spirit, and who are committed to love and good works.  We pray.  We serve.  We listen.  And God continues to do so much more than we can imagine!  

Keep it simple; just show up and listen, and you just may hear something new and eye opening.  By His power. For His glory.  All glory to God in Christ.  Yes, and Amen!


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