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Developing Endurance

Developing Endurance Devotional

Romans 5:3–5

3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

The proper motivation can get us started and keep us moving towards a goal. Motivation can also get us moving away from something harmful. We can be motivated in two ways, the pain or the reward.

It all comes from desire. We do what we want. The motivation is fueled and guided by desire. There is something in a reward we want, so we move towards the reward. The pain of where we are, or could be, gives us the desire to not be in that situation, so we move away from the pain and towards relief. Away from despair and towards hope.

Effort is the cost of action. We consider the cost of the action against the value of the action. This all comes down to practice. The more we do something the better we get at it. Endurance is what happens over time as we just keep showing up. Moving forward keeps us growing or developing.

The pain of the “problems and trials” moves us along, away from the pain. The promise of salvation is the reward that keeps us moving toward peace with God in Christ. We will develop endurance over time, strengthening our character, strengthening our hope, which keeps us growing more and more as we experience more of God’s love as the Spirit fills our hearts.

Question: What are you more motivated by; the pain or the reward?


Make a decision today to take action based on your hope of salvation that will help you continue to develop endurance.


Lord God, apart from you we can do nothing. Keep us connected to the vine, and grow in us to develop endurance as we share our hope of salvation with others. Father, fill our hearts with your love. In Jesus’ name

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